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Paid Social

Let's dive into the wild world of Paid Social advertising. Picture it like playing a thrilling strategic game, where businesses can tap into the power of social media to boost their brand. But keep in mind, this game requires some serious planning and execution to come out on top.

You’ve got to set clear goals, then, craft some engaging ad content that grabs attention like a catchy song that gets stuck in your head. But here's the secret sauce: you can't just sit back and watch the magic happen. You’ve got to analyse and adjust your campaign like a slick secret agent, optimising performance like a boss. Let's make your brand the hero of the social media universe!

What is Paid Social?

As the name suggests, Paid Social is a form of online advertising that involves promoting your services or products on social media through purchased ads and ad space. The majority of the main social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest offer Paid Social and it’s important to find the one that will work best for you.

Each platform offers a host of different advertising options, targeting features and ad formats to create campaigns. From photo and video ads on Facebook and Instagram, to promoted tweets on Twitter and sponsored content on Linkedin. There are a many options to choose from. Paid Social helps get the content you create in front of a specific audience, bringing them to your website and encouraging them to contact you, make a purchase or interact with your business in the way you desire.

Here at Zenzero, we utilise our knowledge, experience and expertise to tap into the minds of your target audience. We will focus on the social media networks that speak to your potential customers and clients the most, developing a strategy to bring in high-quality conversions.

Why is Paid Social so important for your business?

Did you know that 28% of consumers find new products on social media? That's right! Now imagine if you could use Paid Social to put your brand in front of the right eyes. It's like a laser-guided missile that targets your ideal customers with pin-point accuracy. More traffic to your website? Check! More sales generated? Double check! A higher number of leads and enquiries? Triple check! So let's wave that social media wand and make some magic happen. Your brand is going to be the talk of the town faster than you can say "Bullseye!"

Not only can you target your dream customers, but you can track their every move like a sneaky detective. Yup, you heard that right! With the power of Paid Social, you can analyse how well your campaigns are doing which helps you see what works and what doesn't and apply this data to future campaigns. You'll know exactly where to spend your hard-earned money, and you'll get valuable insights about your shoppers.

We've all been there - posting our hearts out on social media, but only receiving a lukewarm response. Trust us, we feel your pain! But fear not, because Paid Social is here to save the day. It's like having a megaphone that amplifies your posts so they reach the right audience. No more crickets chirping in the background, with Paid Social, your posts will grab attention like a celebrity on a red carpet.

Take into account that 28% of consumers find new products through social media channels directly. Social media on its own is vital for success and to give your business a face, but there’s never any guarantee your posts will be seen by those that matter the most. With Paid Social you can really make the most of these platforms, targeting your ideal customers in no time. This, in turn, can lead to increased traffic to your website, more sales generated, a higher number of leads and a greater volume of enquiries.

Another great thing about Paid Social is that you can track and analyze how well your campaigns do. This can show you what methods work and what don’t, where to spend your money and also give you greater insights about those that shop with you.

Social media algorithms can be challenging to navigate. If you find that some of your posts receive greater engagement while others are overlooked, you are not alone. Despite your efforts to optimize your content, there is no guarantee of reach. Paid Social can ensure your posts are seen by the right audience.

So what is our approach?


Finding out about you, your short and long term goals as well as any marketing campaigns you currently or previously ran


Aligning the campaigns with your business and marketing goals


Finding out who your customers are and showing the right ads to the right people


Specific, eye catching and targeted to the right people


We create reporting suites as standard for all our clients using Looker Studio.


Branch out into new markets, or even new countries

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